Oral Radiology

Dental Specialties

Oral Radiologists in Port Moody

Like medical radiologists, oral radiologists are highly trained in reading diagnostic images such as x-rays. Oral radiologists focus on techniques used to image the oral cavity, jaw, face, and neck. After completing dental school and residency training, they work closely alongside dentists and other dental specialists, providing support in ordering, executing, and interpreting diagnostic images.

Dental Diagnostics

An oral radiologist uses a wide variety of diagnostic tools, including dental x-rays, CT scans (computed tomography), MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging), and PETs (positron emission tomography). Each tool can provide a different viewpoint or varying levels of detail for a specific area. They are often consulted in the diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer, TMD, and oral or facial malocclusions that require orthodontic treatment.

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